Academic Service
Senior Member: IEEE
Member: ACM
General Chair: Workshop on Assistive Vision (with ACCV ’16).
Student Travel Grants Co-chair: ACM-MM 2013.
TPC Member of: MAPPTRAITS 2014, EmotiW 2014, ICMI 2014, APCCAS 2014, MUE 2013, 2011, Gaze-in Workshop 2014, 2013 (with ICMI), PDM2 Workshop (ACM-MM 2013), CVAC Workshop (ACCV 2014), Steering committee and TPC member of CoIOTE 2014,15.
Reviewer for Journals- IEEE Trans. Multimedia, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, IEEE Trans. Affective Computing, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks & Learning Systems, Image and Vision Computing, ACM Trans. Applied Perception, ACM Trans. Multimedia (TOMM), Multimedia Systems Journal, Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, British Journal of Psychology, Journal of Electronic Imaging, ETRI Journal, Entropy.
Reviewer for Conferences: ACM-MM, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ACCV, Ubicomp,ICMI, ICME, ICVGIP, ICIP, ICSW.
Research Projects Supervised: Principal Investigator of Interactive and Multimodal Profiling (INR 500000 start-up grant, 2016-).Decoding Affective Multimedia Content using MEG brain signal, University of Trento, (20000 Euro, 2011-2013, Office for University and Scientific Research, Trento province). Co-PI for Multimodal Profiling Analytics, Advanced Digital Sciences Center, 2014-16 (2M SGD Internal funding from A*STAR Singapore). Contributed to Characterizing and Exploiting Human Visual Attention for Automated Image Understanding and Descriptionproject proposal, awarded Public Sector Funding Grant Singapore (SGD 180K, Jan 2010).
Awards and Recognition:
Invited to the Inaugural Multimedia Frontiers Workshop as a Rising Star speaker, 2015
IBM Best Student Paper Award (Track 4) in ICPR 2014.
Invited Technical Talks:
‘My Research on Human-centered Computing’- 3rd Int’l Conference on Cognition, Brain and Computation, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Dec 2015).
‘Utilizing human signals in interactive and AI applications’- SIGMM workshop on Multimedia Frontiers (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia, Oct 2015).
‘Analyzing human visual and emotional perception’, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Jan 2013).
‘Behaviour Analysis from visual cues’- MAGIC seminar series Singapore (Jan 2014),and Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Apr 2014).